Importance Of Daycare - Daycare in Sagehill
Daycare of today has developed into a place of learning and skill development. Children are recognized for their ability, at a very young age, to grasp complex ideas, understand the basics of math, literacy, science and the importance of creativity. At Birds & Blossoms, daycare in Sagehill we support this realization by creating a curriculum that captures the imagination, engages the senses, has learning incorporated into fun and sometimes is messy. Children can learn at their own pace while striving for the next level of development, physical or cognitive. All activities, successful and not so, have elements of personal growth to be acknowledged and encouraged.
Birds & Blossoms is not just a place for children to be supervised in Sage Hill daycare, it’s a place to learn and socialize in a positive and supportive environment. A child who attends a daycare, rather than having a nanny or babysitter, is much more prepared for Kindergarten and group sports and activities. Our children learn the social skills that are needed for being involved with other children, the routines that keep a day moving and the brain active and the understanding that it’s a person’s inside that counts.
Those who say “Life isn’t all fun and games” have never been shown the learning that happens during fun and games. At Birds & Blossoms Daycare we embrace joy and laughter, patience and learning.
Regardless of what you say, children will do what you do, so our teachers model proper actions, kind words and create an atmosphere of acceptance with respect. Our staff are hired because they have demonstrated a life long interest in children and truly care about those in their care. They are passionate, joyful and eager to learn.
Birds & Blossoms Daycare in Sagehill
What happens in Birds & Blossoms daycare in Sagehill?
Our Daycare in Sagehill encompasses a range to care services provided for infants and toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged children. Our mission at Birds & Blossoms Daycare in Sage Hill is to provide high-quality, safe and flexible childcare that meets the diverse needs of working families across the community of Sage Hill in Calgary. We offer a nurturing and interactive environment where children can not only play and learn but also grow.
Good News for Working Parents
Day care doesn’t just give parents the time they need to provide for their family, it also provides children with important social interactions that add to their social skills and optimise their early learning.
Nanny V/S Daycare
When comparing a nanny with daycare, just think of how many different children a daycare provider will interact with over his/her years of experience. While daycare teachers pick up skills and knowledge from other teachers and professional workshops, they are more likely to spot certain things in children which might require early intervention such as medical ailments or learning disorders, or the encouragement of a talent. Being in touch with other daycare teachers enables them to recognize early signs and provide the child with the special care he/she needs.
Why Daycare is Important
According to recent studies, the children who attended high-quality centre-based care for at least one year had lower rates of emotional, conduct, relationship and attention problems later in life than children who were looked after by a baby-sitter or a relative. Interactions with trained staff in the centers provides supportive and stimulating environment giving children a social and educational boost.
From Parent's Perspective
Parents want the best for their children, particularly when it comes to their education. That’s why choosing the right child care provider should be of paramount importance. And for many parents, that means choosing between a preschool or a daycare in Sage Hill. While preschools take good care of children, our daycare in Sage Hill not only takes care of your child but also teaches him/her a spectrum of skills which contribute to the overall development of your child.
Benefits of High Quality Childcare
- From birth to 6 years, children undergo a phase of development called a “sensitive” period. This time period features higher rates of brain development, as compared to rates during later part of their lives. Hence providing the right nurturing environment along with trained professionals to administer the right care and education, ensures an enriched start to the lives of children, thus contributing to the overall development of the child. Our curriculum covers a broad spectrum of learning methods, visual, hands on and auditory, to help develop a life long love of learning.
- Birds & Blossoms Daycare Centre in Sage Hill has spacious rooms for children of similar ages and abilities to interact comfortably. While engaging with their peers, children learn a variety of social skills like empathy, trust, acceptance, communication as well as sharing and caring.
- Providing a safe environment with effective monitoring by teachers and trained staff is the duty of every child care provider. Children are curious and playful by nature. Our day care in Sage Hill provides a safe environment where your little ones can explore to their heart’s content. Our trained staff and teachers ensure your child’s safety providing him/her the best attention and care, all the while maintaining a fun and interactive environment
- During interaction with peers and teachers, your little one learns behavioural skills which improve social graces. Saying please and thank you, listening before responding, learning to wait for his/her turn, learning to share and care for others are just some of the good manners we encourage here at the best day care in Sage Hill.
- Our robust curriculum prepares your child for his/her future, preparing the children for kindergarten, showing that learning is fun and introducing creativity with a purpose. Our program encourages safe meal time habits, recognizes the need for active and quiet play and incorporates science, math, literacy and environmental awareness into our daily activities.